
7 best ways to make notes for an exam.

Effective note-taking is a cornerstone of academic achievement, playing a vital role in understanding, retaining, and revising course material. Employing the seven best ways to make notes for exams can significantly enhance your study approach. Actively participating in class discussions while jotting down key points initiates the process. Choosing the appropriate note-taking method, such as the Cornell Method, tailored to your learning style, promotes comprehension and retention.

7 best ways to make notes for an exam. Read More »

Women’s reservations: Why does women’s reservation matter in JEE and NEET?

  The policy of allocating a specific number of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) seats exclusively to female candidates is referred to as “women reservation in IITs.” This strategy aims to enhance gender diversity by encouraging more women to seek higher education and careers in technical sectors. By providing reserved seats, the IITs hope to

Women’s reservations: Why does women’s reservation matter in JEE and NEET? Read More »