Why do more Indian girls opt for a career in medicine?

Why do more Indian girls opt for a career in medicine?

On this International Women’s Day let us look into an important subject matter that we do not normally talk about. Have you seen how women in India tend to pick a career in medicine more than any other career? Well, honestly we are not complaining as they are on top of their game in whatever field they choose, and they especially shine in a doctor’s coat.  

As you may know, medicine is one of the most popular and prestigious fields of study in India. Every year, nearly one million students take various entrance exams to gain admission to all the medical colleges. Among them, a large number of candidates are girls. 

In fact, according to a report by the Medical Council of India, in 2019-20, out of the total 1,60,888 MBBS seats in India, 91,376 were occupied by female students. That means more than 56% of the medical students in India are girls!

So, what makes medicine so attractive for Indian girls? Well, there are many reasons, but we will try to list some of the most common ones here,

Why do more Indian girls opt for a career in medicine?

Why do more Indian girls opt for a career in medicine?

Passion and Interest

Many girls have a genuine passion and interest in the field of medicine. They want to learn about the human body, diseases, treatments, and health care. 

Additionally, they also want to help people who are suffering and make a difference in their lives. This might also be because they have a strong sense of empathy and compassion that drives them to pursue this noble profession.

Social Respect and Recognition

Medicine is considered one of the most respected and prestigious professions in India, by all classes and ethnicities. Doctors are seen as highly educated, skilled, and knowledgeable people who have a lot of authority and influence in society. They are also well-paid and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Many girls and even guys aspire to achieve this status and recognition by becoming doctors.

Family pressure and expectations

This is another major factor that influences many girls’ decision to opt for medicine. In India, parents have a lot of say in their children’s education and career choices. Many parents want their daughters to become doctors because they think it is a safe and secure career option that will ensure their financial stability and social respect. 

They also believe that it will increase their chances of finding a suitable match for marriage, which is a regrettable factor but a true one nonetheless. Some parents even force their daughters to take up medicine against their will or interest.

Lack of Awareness and Guidance

Unfortunately, many girls in India do not have access to proper career counselling and guidance. They are not aware of the various options and opportunities available to them in other fields of study. 

Because of this reason, they are also not exposed to role models and mentors who can inspire them to follow their dreams and passions. They tend to follow the crowd or the conventional wisdom without exploring their own interests and potential. But this does not mean becoming a doctor is not noble enough. At the end of the day, this is an elite profession which might be hard to achieve, but once within grasp, you understand the benefits. 

These are some of the reasons why many Indian girls opt for a career in medicine. Again, of course, there is nothing wrong with choosing medicine as a career if you are truly passionate about it and willing to work hard for it.

Are You Passionate Enough?

Medicine is not an easy or glamorous career, as it requires a lot of dedication, sacrifice, patience, and perseverance. It also involves a lot of stress, pressure, competition, and challenges. Hence, it is not a career that you can take lightly or casually.

So, before you decide to pursue medicine as a career, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I really love medicine?
  • Am I ready to commit myself to this field for the rest of my life?
  • Am I prepared to face the difficulties and hardships that come with this profession?
  • Am I willing to keep learning and updating myself with the latest developments and innovations in this field?
  • Am I confident enough to handle the responsibilities and expectations that come with this profession?

If your answer is yes to all these questions, then go ahead and follow your dream of becoming a doctor. But if you have any doubts or reservations, then you may want to contact us at Learning Ant and get free career counselling today. 

In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, an innovative idea called Learning Ant was created with the goal of revolutionizing the education system in India. Our program offers personalized mentorship to students and provides a top-quality curriculum to those preparing for NEET and JEE exams.

Read More – Why does everyone want to be a doctor or engineer when they’re not even interested in them?

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