Why does everyone want to be a doctor or engineer when they’re not even interested in them?

Why does everyone want to be a doctor or engineer when they’re not even interested in them?

Why does everyone want to be a doctor or engineer: Indian households have always been obsessed with two of the most prominent professions in India. These are doctors and engineers. But if you ask the students of NEET and JEE, if they are truly interested in what they are studying, you might hear contrasting answers. 

Thus, this is a question that many ask. Why do so many people choose careers that they don’t enjoy, that they don’t have a passion for, or that they don’t find fulfilling? Why do they follow the crowd and the expectations of society, instead of following their own dreams and talents?

We think there are many reasons for this mentality, but we will focus on three main ones, namely, peer pressure, parental pressure, and prestige.

Why does everyone want to be a doctor or engineer when they’re not even interested in them?

Peer pressure

Peer pressure is when you feel the need to do what your friends or classmates are doing, or what they think is cool or successful. You don’t want to be left out or to be seen as weird or different. You want to fit in and belong. So, you choose the same career path as them, even if it doesn’t suit you or make you happy.

Hence, if your friends genuinely want to become doctors or engineers, you also feel like trying it out. But only later do you find out how difficult it is to study for and pass NEET and JEE exams. 

But, this does not mean peer pressure is an entirely bad thing. Many lack the motivation to decide things for their own good. In such cases, if a friend is inspiring you to make the extraordinary decision of becoming a doctor or engineer, then it is definitely something amazing.

Parental Pressure

We have all been through the times when we desperately tried to make our parents happy by doing whatever they wanted. But sadly, many do that not because they themselves want to commit to the work, but rather under parental pressure. 

Parental pressure is when you feel the obligation to please your parents or to live up to their expectations. You don’t want to disappoint them or make them angry and sad. The only thing you want is to make them proud and happy. So you choose the career that they want for you, even if it doesn’t match your interests or abilities.

And again, just like every coin has two sides, parental pressure is not always bad.

In our younger days, we think we know everything even when we do not. At times, our parents who have lived more than us and have more experience with life, really do give the best advice for our career. It is only later do we look back and understand whatever said was not from selfishness but their love for us. 


It is old news that doctors and engineers enjoy special prestige in India or Asia in general. The fact that you hold the power to save someone’s life or build something for the betterment of your nation is something that carries immense respect. 

Hence, prestige is when you value the status or reputation that comes with a certain career, rather than the actual work or satisfaction that it brings. You want to impress others or feel superior and important. Plus, you might want to have a high income, a fancy title, and a respected degree. So you choose a job that is considered prestigious or lucrative, even if it doesn’t complete you or challenge you.

Are these reasons enough?

These are all valid reasons, but they are not good enough to choose a career that you don’t love. Because in the end, you are the one who has to live with your choice, not your peers, not your parents, not the society. 

You are the one who has to wake up every morning and go to work, not them. And you are also the one who has to deal with the stress, the boredom, the frustration, the burnout, etc. Hence, you must be the one who has to find meaning and purpose in your life.

So why not choose a career that you love? A career that matches your personality, your skills, and your goals? 

Is It An Easy Thing To Do? 

No, we know it’s not easy and we understand there are many risks and uncertainties. But remember even an ant has the power to build colonies, hence you too can work to construct your dreams. 

Plus, if you genuinely want to become a doctor or engineer, join us at Learning Ant as we shape India’s future. 

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