Why Are Indian Parents Obsessed with Engineers and Doctors?

Indian Parents Obsessed with Engineers and Doctors: We all have heard “Be an engineer or a doctor,” in our life at least once. This isn’t merely parental advice; it’s a cultural mantra deeply ingrained in Indian society. 

At times, this also becomes an issue for students who wish to do something else with their lives. But, because of parental pressure, many are forced to take the Doctor/Engineer route and fail in the long run. Still, with proper guidance, one can get over these hurdles.

But why this fixation on these two professions? The reasons are as diverse and complex as the nation itself. 

Why Are Indian Parents Obsessed with Engineers and Doctors?

Roots Run Deep: A Legacy of Colonialism and Progress

The story starts with the scars of colonialism. Newly independent India, desperate to shed the shackles of underdevelopment, saw engineers as the architects of progress, building bridges and industries that would propel the nation forward. 

Medicine, too, held the promise of a healthier, more prosperous society. These professions became symbols of national pride, etched deeply into the collective psyche.

Plus, the fact that one can earn a good amount also adds to the appeal of these professions. 

Thus, in such a dire situation, it was natural for all the parents to think even their child could be a hope for the country. 

Beyond Stability: The Allure of Respect and Upward Mobility

But the allure went past mere practicality. In a society deeply rooted in tradition, these careers offered not just financial security but also huge social respect. 

Doctors were respected healers, and protectors, and modern-day engineers have the power to shape the landscape. For parents who had witnessed poverty or hardship all their lives, these professions represented a path to respect. This was a chance to break free from the shackles of their limitations and offer their children a brighter future.

The Cracks Begin to Show: Mental Health Concerns and Shifting Aspirations 

However, the cracks in this seemingly perfect picture are becoming increasingly visible. The relentless pressure to excel, the gruelling entrance exams, and the intense competition have taken a toll on the mental health of countless young Indians. 

In recent times, India has become famous as a suicide hub, especially the city of Kota, where most students go to study.  

The internet, meanwhile, has opened doors to a world of possibilities beyond the traditional “safe” options. Today’s youth, armed with information and fueled by individual aspirations, are questioning the script laid out for them.

A Glimmer of Hope: Open Communication and Expanding Horizons

This isn’t to say the “doctor or engineer” dream is dead. It still holds weight, particularly for families grappling with financial constraints. But the tide is turning. 

Parents are becoming more aware of the importance of open communication, fostering dialogues where children feel empowered to explore their passions and chart their paths. Nowadays, children can also go to other fields and be successful. Educational systems are slowly adapting, offering more diverse options and encouraging interdisciplinary learning.

Beyond Stereotypes: Embracing Individuality and Recognizing the Power of Choice

The key lies in moving beyond stereotypes. Every child is unique, with talents, interests, and aptitudes. Recognizing this individuality is crucial, which parents fail most of the time. 

Parents must shed the guilt associated with “breaking tradition” and embrace the power of choice. Their role should shift from dictating careers to providing guidance, support, and most importantly, the freedom to follow one’s dreams.

The Future Beckons: A Kaleidoscope of Possibilities

The “doctor or engineer” dream might be fading, but the core motivation – a parent’s love and desire for their child’s success – remains constant. By embracing open communication, understanding individual aspirations, and navigating the evolving social and economic landscape, both parents and children can work together to build fulfilling futures. The future is not a binary choice between a stethoscope and a calculator, but a kaleidoscope of possibilities waiting to be explored. The challenge lies in empowering young minds to paint their unique masterpieces, free from the constraints of societal expectations.

Wrapping It Up  

By going beyond the surface and delving deeper into the multifaceted reasons behind the “doctor or engineer” dream, we can pave the way for a future where every child has the freedom to pursue their passions and build a fulfilling life.

Want to become a doctor or engineer because you love the profession? Get the best coaching classes in Kolkata at Learning Ant.

Read More – How To Become An Engineer In India Explained

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