7 best ways to make notes for an exam.

Taking effective notes is a crucial aspect of academic success. Well-organized and comprehensive notes not only aid in a better understanding of the subject matter but also serve as valuable study resources for exam preparation. In this blog, we will explore seven of the best ways to make notes for exams that will help you retain information, boost your revision process, and achieve better grades
Active Listening and Participation
The foundation of excellent note-taking begins during class or lectures. Actively listen to your teacher or professor and participate in discussions. Stay engaged and jot down key points, explanations, and examples they provide. Develop the habit of underlining or highlighting essential information as you go, which will make it easier to review later
Choose the Right Note-taking Method
There are several note-taking methods, such as the Cornell Method, Mind Mapping, Outlining, and written method. Try different techniques to find the one that suits your learning style. The Cornell Method, for example, involves dividing your page into sections for key points, cues, and summaries. 
Keep it Clean and Organized
Neatness and organization are paramount when making exam notes. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists to structure your notes logically. Maintain consistency in formatting, and leave enough space between topics to prevent clutter.
Summarize and Paraphrase
When writing down information, aim to summarize and paraphrase the material in your own words. This process helps you understand the subject better and internalize the concepts. Avoid copying the content of the topic, as it promotes passive learning and may lead to rote memorization, which isn’t as effective for long-term retention.
Visual Aids and Diagrams
Incorporating visual aids and diagrams in your notes can significantly enhance your understanding of complex topics. Making Flowcharts, graphs, tables, and illustrations of a subject matter can make abstract concepts more tangible and memorable.
Create Sticky Notes
Sticky Notes are a powerful tool for memorizing facts, formulas, and vocabulary. Write a question or keyword on one side and the answer or explanation on the other. Regularly review these sticky notes to boost your memory
These provide bite size information on the go and are quick and easy to use and help you memorize formulas, facts, laws, etc.
Take notes from your textbook
After a class or lecture, you may want to condense your notes with information from a text. Taking notes from a text is another skill worth learning. As you  are jotting down fresh memories and the notes you took in class. Think of it as a way of organizing your notes taken in class in a more neat and easy to access manner.

Why does writing Notes matter?

Note-taking is very important for exam success as it promotes active learning and helps organize information in a structured manner. Writing down key points improves memory power and enables a better ability to understand. During exams, well-organized notes allow for efficient study and a quick sum up of the course material. Having comprehensive notes boosts confidence, reduces anxiety and proves beneficial during the exams. 

Making notes Digitally

Making notes on your laptop is a game-changer in the digital era, offering unparalleled organization and accessibility. To get started, choose a suitable note-taking application. Create folders or tags to organize your notes effectively and maintain a consistent format with headings, bullet points and numberings. Keep your notes concise and clear, utilizing visuals and color coding when possible. Regularly review and revise your notes for improved learning. Finally, stay mindful and engaged during the process to create more meaningful notes. Although research suggests taking notes by hand improves memory more than with a digital device, they each have their unique strengths that perform better in certain situations. 

Making Sticky Notes

Making sticky notes is a straightforward and fun process that allows you to craft personalized reminders and organizers. Write clear and concise notes with bullets or numbering if needed. Highlight important points with different colors or underlining and consider using symbols. Sticky notes offer a simple and easy way to stay organized and keep track of topics.

Methods for making notes

Taking notes effectively is important for exam preparation as it helps in boosting learning and helps in easy revision. Choose the method that best aligns with your learning style and the subject’s nature to make your exam preparation more efficient and productive. Here are different methods for taking notes from an exam perspective:

Outline Method
Organize notes hierarchically using bullet points or numbers to create an outline of the topic. This method is ideal for catching main concepts and sub-points, making it easier to review and study the material.
Cornell Method

Divide your note sheet into two columns, with the larger one for the main content and a narrower one for key points and summaries. At the bottom, create a section for summarizing the entire page’s content. This technique facilitates active learning and efficient revision.

Highlighting and Underlining

Highlighting and underlining key points in textbooks or notes can help draw your attention to crucial information during the review and quick glances.

Summary Notes

After completing a unit or chapter, create concise summary notes that cover the most important information. This sums up the material, making it easier to review during the exam’s last-minute preparation.

Collaborative Note-Taking

Consider forming study groups and collaboratively taking notes. This way, you can benefit from diverse perspectives and fill in gaps in your understanding. Build up an extensive array of notes for particular topics.

The most crucial part, remember to review and revise your notes regularly to reinforce your learning and be well-prepared for your exams.


In conclusion, effective note-taking is a cornerstone of academic achievement, playing a vital role in understanding, retaining, and revising course material. Employing the seven best ways to make notes for exams can significantly enhance your study approach. Actively participating in class discussions while jotting down key points initiates the process. Choosing the appropriate note-taking method, such as the Cornell Method, tailored to your learning style, promotes comprehension and retention.

Maintaining neatness and organization, summarizing in your own words, and incorporating visual aids like diagrams deepen your understanding and facilitate the recall of information. Sticky notes offer a practical way to memorize facts, formulas, and vocabulary. Taking notes from both lectures and textbooks forms a cohesive and organized study resource. Embracing digital note-taking tools brings the advantages of organization and accessibility. Using a Laptop or phone to take notes has the unique advantage of having all your notes available at your fingertips.

Ultimately, notes serve as a concise, structured storage of knowledge, boosting your confidence and reducing anxiety during exams. Regular review and revision solidify your grasp of the study material. By integrating these strategies into your study routine, you’ll create a comprehensive study resource that enhances your learning, memory, and exam performance.

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