Best way to prepare for NEET

A student confused about the best method for NEET-UG preparation

Every year about 15 to 20 lakh students sit for the NEET-UG Examinations, and even more prepare for it. This number is only increasing as the years pass, and the competition seems to keep on rising. But the difficulty of these examinations remains the same, the stress that the students have to deal with during these years remains the same, and so does the inability of said students to counter these problems with adequate measures remain the same. 

At such lost times the need for guidance is at peak. Because of this, Learning Ant is here to provide you with the guidance you need so you can have better-prepared strategies to tackle the moderately tough syllabus and student environment of NEET UG 2024.  NEET-UG 2024 preparation strategies

What books to follow for NEET?

As students get into the drive to start preparing for NEET one question that always lingers through their overworked minds is which are the best books to follow for the exam. Or rather, are there any specific ones that can help us through this hell and will be useful till the end? 
As any Indian student studying in the State Board Systems would know, NCERT books, are the most important books for any entrance examination. But for NEET, it holds special importance. Almost all the questions for the Medical Entrance Exam are followed by the word from the NCERT Books.
Biology and chemistry questions are particularly framed exactly how they are in these books and nothing (almost) comes above or below the level of information shared on the NCERT book. These books are the blueprint to cracking NEET with an above-average score, anyone who’s able to go through these books thoroughly, encapsulating the knowledge in these books not by word but at least by conceptualization, is the one that can confidently sit for the exam and come out victorious by the end. 
NCERT is the only book you’ll need for Biology and Chemistry.

Importance of Test Papers.

If the NCERT book is the sword necessary to fight the battle of the Pre-medical exam then the question-banks and the test papers are the armor required to strengthen you to the core and help you toughen up your knowledge.

Preparing for NEET is a long-term process. For a student who has already covered most of the syllabus as a course, months before the exam or has completed even just a particular chapter that he gave his/her heart to for a few weeks, the problem that arises for them or is how to keep it cemented till the day of the examination. What is the best way to revise said portions? The answer is – Test Papers. 

Solving papers, giving tests (full syllabus or otherwise), and challenging the information just fed into your brain as many times as possible is the best way to boost your overall grip on the syllabus. 30 questions Physics, 30 questions Chemistry, 100 questions Biology should become part of the daily routine for a NEET aspirant. Opening up any chapter-based question bank as soon as you are done studying a chapter to check your knowledge of the said chapter is the best way to go about your preparation.

Importance of Question Banks.

MTG Champion and MTG Fingertips are some of the best preparatory books for entrance exams out there. M.S. Chauhan for Chemistry is the best book for toughening up your organic to the levels of mastery. D.C. Pandey is one of the best problem-solving Physics books out there along with theoretical portions to help you with your lessons while practising your hand on some moderate to tough levels of physics problems that’ll be a great help before you tackle the NEET level Physics on the day of examination. 
Students are often scared of physics the most, thinking they don’t understand it or that it’s just too complicated for them to grasp but fail to understand that physics is just a game of numbers mixed with real-world problems. Spending a little time trying to grasp the concept and some extra time learning the formulas by heart is all that’s necessary for you to completely chokeslam the questions thrown at you for NEET. 
Nothing’s too tough with a little bit of practice. And in the case of physics, it’s almost necessary to practice before performing. So questions banks and test papers are the core to getting through this examination especially if you’re worried about Physics.

Time Management.

So what’s the exact time frame one should follow for practising these questions? How many hours should one study for in a day? What’s the best hour to be studying at?

Normally, each student is different. And so is their capability to absorb knowledge. But there’s still a definite schedule or say a protocol one needs to follow regardless of how good or bad a student he/she is. Time management is an important part of your preparations, and making sure you follow it is even more important. 

An average school student studies 10 hours a day (including classes). But for a NEET aspirant, one has to go above and beyond. 15 hours is what someone aspires to follow. Realistically, some time has to be put aside to relax your tired little brain for a few hours. Aiming for 15 is the best way to go, even if it comes down to 12, one starts to follow it. Even after 8 hours or so of lectures and other things, one NEEDS those extra few hours to just play with your knowledge and solve as many questions and test papers as one can. Night time is the best hour to study, any and every student is advised to spend a good 4-5 hours in self-study, if one wishes to score a 600+ score. Self-study is the key to cracking NEET.

The Overwhelming Pressure and Stress.

For a student gifted with a bright mind or someone a little more passionate about the exam than an average aspirant following such strategies and plans isn’t exactly a tough nut. Willpower plays a little role in their decision-making. But for an average NEET aspirant , the ones that are fighting their way through the year until NEET 2024. 

For the ones for whom it takes a whole lot of willpower to go through even a single day of lectures questions and tests, it becomes tougher day by day. By the minute. Every day starts looking like another day of labour, confusion about one’s capabilities starts surfacing through their mind, and stress and nervousness take over, so much so that at a certain point one starts thinking of giving up. 

It’s only natural to succumb to the sheer pressure of the importance of an entrance exam that only comes around once a year. An exam that might hold different levels of importance to a student’s personal life or their parents. Stress nervousness and anxiety are a part of the cycle. Something one has to live through to get to the finish line. No one can escape that. But only the ones strong enough to live through them are the ones that can say at the end, “I DIDN’T LOSE”. Stress is a part of life, one has to deal with it one way or the other. You can come up with hacks and ways to avoid/deal with them. But it never goes away. That’s what’s most important to understand.

Solution to overcome stress.

So listen to lectures, attend classes, solve papers, and give tests. But don’t forget to celebrate that little achievement you gain every other minute. Don’t forget to cheer up that friend who scored 30 marks more than he did last time. Don’t forget to treat yourself to a chocolate every time you can solve a paper a little faster than before. Because these moments count. 

These are moments that’ll make you forget about your stress and anxiety for even just a minute. Moments that’ll make this all more worth it and enjoyable for you to get through. You might not be able to defeat that little stress in your head, but you can learn to cheer up once in a while to balance your sense of pessimism with a little optimism.

Don’t forget to have fun.

Make friends, plan group studies, challenge your fellow aspirants for a test, and compare scores. Competition is a good motivator. Being on the offensive is how you’ll be able to achieve the score you want. And enjoying that with a little company only uplifts your spirit, which is necessary for you during these years.

So remember, all these tough times, all this hard work, and all of this blood, sweat and tears, are for you to get to the first step of becoming a Doctor. A caregiver of the society, and only someone who’s one with the society can be the best contributor to it.


The journey of preparing for NEET-UG 2024 is undeniably challenging, given the ever-increasing number of students and the fierce competition. However, with the right guidance and preparation strategies, success can be achieved. NCERT books play a crucial role as the foundation for the exam, and solving test papers and question banks strengthens one’s knowledge and boosts confidence.
Time management is essential, and dedicating adequate hours to self-study is key. Despite the overwhelming pressure and stress that comes with such exams, it is crucial to celebrate every small achievement and find moments of joy amidst the hard work. 
Friends and healthy competition can be great motivators during this journey. Ultimately, the pursuit of becoming a doctor is not just about cracking an exam; it is about becoming a caregiver of society and contributing meaningfully to it. So, keep your spirits high, learn from the challenges, and remember to have fun along the way.  

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