Mission Possible: Crack NEET 2024

NEET, being a highly competitive exam, requires sheer determination to clear. However, preparing for NEET, like it’s a board exam, is not very practical, and a precise strategy for preparation is evident to be more beneficial.

This year NEET was probably the toughest to clear as there was the highest number of candidates along with a challenging chemistry section which caused the cut-off to increase by an unprecedented 20 marks! Achieving the NEET dream is not impossible, it requires extensive planning and perseverance to stick to the plan and meticulous preparation.

To clear NEET 2024 students can’t afford to pass over any subject as the cut-off is increasing year on year. You can do the necessary preparations by-


  • Familiarise yourself with the exam pattern. In NEET-UG 2023 there were two sections. Section A and B with a total of 200 questions out of which 180 had to attempt by the candidate. Biology had a 50% (25% zoology and 25% botany) weightage, and physics and chemistry had a weightage of 25%. You can start by preparing the chapters which have more questions from each section. And which you find hard so that you get more time to cover your weaknesses and prepare accordingly. 
  • Break down the syllabus into smaller sections: You can divide the syllabus on the basis of subjects, however, that would not be too efficient. Prepare for each subject together as that will help you in the Exam as you’ll be accustomed to the concepts of all three subjects. Divide the syllabus on the basis of your strength. Let’s say you find electrostatics difficult from physics, prepare for it while studying some easier chapters from chemistry and biology so that you can cover part of biology and chemistry while giving more attention to electrostatics which you find difficult.
  • Focus on Conceptual understanding: Through conceptual understanding, you can solve tricky questions without spending too much time on them. This will help you solve application-based questions quickly and efficiently. One-on-one sessions with mentors and teachers can help you build conceptual understanding and solve any doubts you have regarding them.
  • Practice regularly: You might be able to solve 180 questions in 3 hours at practice, but it is wise to try to solve 180 questions accurately in less than 3 hours. So, anxiety in the exam hall, you would be able to correctly answer the questions in the given amount of time. Try to solve all 200 questions in under 3 hours in practice and do it regularly after completion of the syllabus,  so that you get accustomed to jumping from one concept to another from one subject to another. LAFTA ( Leaning Ant Final Assessment Test ) are a great way to do this! And simulate exam-like conditions to assess your performance. 
  • We can’t emphasise enough how much revision matters! It might feel like a hassle, reading something you’ve already studied again and again. However, it happens often that you may recall the superficial concepts easily but struggle to do questions which require in-depth understanding and details. Revision keeps the details fresh. 
  • Time management: Time management skills are often the reason that differentiates those who cleared NEET and those who couldn’t. Developing a routine goes hand in hand with time management, however, the routine must have time for leisure activities to destress from all the studying and time for personal care and relaxation. However, don’t fall into the social media trap as doom-scrolling doesn’t destress instead it worsens the mood. Don’t abandon your hobbies as hobbies make you happy, and a happy mind retains information more readily.
  • Seek Guidance: You’ll find certain topics challenging or confusing, seek guidance for it from teachers or elders or anyone who can help you with it. You may find that after understanding the concepts and tricks for a particular topic it seems easier, that’s why experienced mentors are really beneficial.
  • Last but not least, Take care of your health! A healthy body is essential for a healthy mind. Do not skip meals or sleep less, as loss of sleep has a detrimental impact on all aspects of a person not only in learning. Lack of sleep causes forgetfulness. You might be tempted to sleep late, to watch movies as a reward for all the studying you did throughout the day, Do not do that! No compromises on meals or sleep, watch movies if you want to during break, and be strict about following your routine.

To succeed in the NEET 2024, keep in mind that persistent work, discipline, and a good outlook are essential. Maintain your drive, have confidence in yourself, and work hard to prepare. Start up your preparation for your future, Godspeed!

2 thoughts on “Mission Possible: Crack NEET 2024”

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  2. Pingback: Everything is just fancy Sand! - Learning Ant

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