Women’s reservations: Why does women’s reservation matter in JEE and NEET?


The policy of allocating a specific number of Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) seats exclusively to female candidates is referred to as “women reservation in IITs.” This strategy aims to enhance gender diversity by encouraging more women to seek higher education and careers in technical sectors. By providing reserved seats, the IITs hope to inspire women to pursue careers in science, engineering, and technology, fostering a more diverse and inclusive learning environment.


There are various reasons why women should be given preference in universities like IITs:


  1. Promoting Gender Diversity: There has historically been a large gender gap in technical disciplines, with fewer women choosing to pursue jobs in science, engineering, and technology. By offering equal chances and encouraging more women to join in these sectors, women’s Reservation seeks to close this gap.

To achieve the goal of promoting gender diversity in technical disciplines, it is crucial to implement a range of strategies. Firstly, outreach and awareness programs should be conducted to inspire young girls and women to consider careers in science, engineering, and technology. 

These programs can involve interactive sessions, workshops, and mentorship opportunities, aimed at showcasing the benefits and opportunities available in these fields. Additionally, educational initiatives should be introduced to ensure equal access to quality STEM education for girls and women. 

This can be achieved through scholarships, grants, and targeted support programs that address any barriers to entry. Creating support networks and mentorship programs is another effective approach, as they provide guidance, encouragement, and role models for aspiring women in technical fields. 

Moreover, organizations must actively work to raise awareness about unconscious biases and provide training to mitigate their impact on gender diversity. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, providing equal opportunities, and challenging stereotypes, we can encourage more women to pursue careers in technical disciplines, closing the gender gap and fostering a more diverse and innovative workforce.

  1. Breaking stereotypes: Women’s Reservation takes on long-standing biases and stereotypes that disproportionately associate men with technological fields. This strategy aggressively promotes women’s involvement, which challenges and eliminates prejudice-based barriers. It conveys the strong message that women have an equal opportunity to succeed in technological disciplines and that these fields are not just reserved for males.

The myth that technical fields are fundamentally male-dominated and that women are less competent in them is disproved in part by Women’s Reservation. Reserving seats for women, demonstrates their ability, abilities, and potential and shows that gender does not affect success or aptitude in technical professions.

  1. Addressing underrepresentation: The underrepresentation of women in technical fields and higher education is addressed through the Women’s Reservation. It aims to balance the situation by acknowledging the structural obstacles and societal causes that have prevented women from accessing and succeeding in these fields.

  1. Empowerment of women: Women’s education and empowerment goes hand in hand. Institutions like IITs reserve seats for them to pursue their goals and get over any barriers that could have otherwise kept them out of technological disciplines. It gives women a stage on which to display their abilities, aptitudes, and potential.

  1. Role modal for future girls: Increased representation of women in technical disciplines can encourage and inspire additional women to think about pursuing jobs in similar fields. The reserve of women produces role models who can inspire and mentor younger generations.

Having female role models in technological fields can greatly enhance our scientific capabilities in a variety of ways. Younger generations of females are encouraged and motivated to seek professions in science, engineering, and technology by the increased presence of women in these sectors, which offers visible examples of success and achievement. Role models dispel gender stereotypes and motivate young women to follow their passions without boundaries by providing concrete evidence that women can succeed and make important contributions in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Girls who have access to realistic and successful role models are better able to see themselves in such positions, which promotes confidence and self-belief. As a result, they are inspired to pursue and advance their scientific passions, expanding the talent pool of female scientists and engineers.

  1. Diversity of mind: Due to the diversity of thought and approaches to problem-solving they offer, having more women in technical sectors is advantageous for the nation. 

Teams and organisations benefit from the many experiences, viewpoints, and methodologies that women bring to the table. Their involvement encourages the creation of creative solutions that address a wider spectrum of viewpoints and promotes a more thorough knowledge of social requirements. 

Gender diversity in technological sectors promotes innovation, decision-making processes, and creativity. The provision of equal opportunities, the eradication of gender imbalances, and the encouragement of future generations of women to pursue professions in science, engineering, and technology all contribute to the creation of a more fair society. The advancement, competitiveness, and general societal well-being of the nation are all positively impacted by incorporating women’s ideas in technological domains.

In general, the inclusion of women in similar institutions like IITs is a step towards a more inclusive, varied, and equal professional and educational environment. It strives to develop talent, give women more authority, and support general advancement and innovation in technical fields.

Real-world example 

Anuradha TK a remarkable woman in her field along with her all-women satellite team positioned GSAT-12 (the latest indigenously developed communication satellite) into orbit.

She has dedicated 34 years to ISRO and her remarkable achievement will surely inspire many girls with curiosity for space to pursue their passion for technology.



The Women’s Reservation in IITs policy encourages more women to seek higher education and professions in technical disciplines in order to increase gender diversity. It dispels long-held prejudices and biases, dispelling the assumption that men dominate technological disciplines. The reserve gives women equal opportunity, enabling them to demonstrate their skills and talents. The objective of increasing gender diversity is achieved with the aid of tactics like outreach programes, educational activities, support networks, and prejudice awareness. The strategy fosters role models for the next generation by expanding the number of women in technical disciplines and encouraging and guiding young girls to seek professions in science, engineering, and technology. This promotes innovation, creativity, and problem-solving from a wider range of perspectives and results in a more varied and inclusive learning environment.


2 thoughts on “Women’s reservations: Why does women’s reservation matter in JEE and NEET?”

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