Confidence to crack exams

We all have heard a thousand times already that confidence is important; it’s true. 

Whether it is second guessing your answer or being confused between two options only and selecting one and then the other only, to find out the first option you chose was correct or double or triple checking your calculation which takes up a considerable amount of your time.

A confident student manages her/his time efficiently with determination and a positive attitude.


You might ask, “How can I be confident?” 


Here are a few exam strategies on “ How to be confident”


  • Don’t overthink.

The constant loop of overthinking can rob us of calm and clarity. There are a few suggestions to take into account, if you want to escape its hold. 


First, engage in mindfulness exercises and focus on the present moment. Take part in activities that help you stay present at the moment, such as deep breathing or taking in your surroundings. 

Next, confront your unfavourable ideas by calling their veracity into doubt. Overthinking is frequently motivated by unjustified worries and presumptions. Change those notions to more optimistic and practical ones. 

Decide on sensible bounds for your thinking, third. Allocate specific “worry time” and restrict excessive ruminating.



Last but not least, take care of yourself by relaxing and de-stressing through hobbies, exercise, and quality time with loved ones. Do not forget, to perfect the art.


  • Believe in your preparation!

For the best results and to experience the least amount of worry, exam preparation confidence is essential. Starting with rigorous and Effective learning techniques.

By going over your class notes, summaries of the topic, textbooks, flashcards, and formula tables, you may make sure you comprehend the exam’s subject (whether it be JEE or NEET) matter completely. Make a study schedule that allows enough time for each topic and permits systematic and regular revision and practice time management by giving (JEE or NEET) mock tests. 

To get a feel for the format and discover areas that need more focus, practise previous tests or sample questions. Ask professors or peers for clarification if you have any questions or doubts. Make self-care a priority as the exam draws near to maintain your composure and concentration.

Get enough rest, eat healthful meals, and practise relaxing techniques like meditation or deep breathing, One can’t give their best if they’re tired. Remind yourself of your accomplishments and strengths while visualising success. Finally, have faith in your skills and the effort you’ve put in. Accept that you have done everything you can to prepare and go into the exam with a good outlook.

  • If you feel stuck on a question, skip it.


In many cases, skipping a question on an exam is preferable to trying to solve it when it’s taking too long. Exam time management is essential because spending too much time on one question can take important minutes away from answering other questions. 


To increase your overall score potential, you can skip a difficult question and go on to others that you are more confident about. Furthermore, spending too much time on a challenging question will make you frustrated and anxious, which can impair your focus and performance on succeeding problems. As JEE or NEET or any competitive exam have a lot of questions.

During exams, it’s crucial to put efficiency first and choose your actions wisely. If time allows, you can attempt the skipped question once more after returning to it with new insight. 


Remember that it’s better to spread out your time carefully and respond to as many questions as you can than to become stuck and run the danger of having parts incomplete because too much time was spent on a single topic.

  • Read the question thoroughly.

In Exams, it’s important to read the question carefully and write down all the information in an organised way before attempting to solve it. 


It ensures that the requirements are understood clearly and prevents misunderstandings you can even translate the question into your native language to better understand the question. To reduce errors and avoid overlooking important information by writing down the provided information. It ensures correct and thorough responses by assisting you in being organised and focused while resolving the issue. 


Time is saved by doing this extra step since it prevents needless changes and backtracking. In the end, careful reading and taking notes increase the likelihood that you will solve problems methodically and effectively, increasing the likelihood that your solutions will be accurate and correct.


Let’s crack JEE 2024!

2 thoughts on “Confidence to crack exams”

  1. Pingback: IITian Teachers: Does having an IIT teacher for JEE preparation help? – Learning Ant

  2. Pingback: Self-Study vs. Coaching Institutes: Finding the Right Path to Success – Learning Ant

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